Lady with a Fan - by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

How sensitive an instrument Renoir was impresses us as we turn to this full-blooded picture of a woman. Every aspect of the plate opposite tells of robust health and comfortable circumstance. Incidentals that would distract from the self-assurance and placidity of the subject are omitted. Instead, we have full, regular curves in untroubled harmony, full volumes sonorously echoing one another, simple color areas of cellolike richness, a broadened pose that gives the painting a stately splendor.
In keeping with these qualities, Renoir's decorative enrichment is held to a minimum: the fluting of the fan is noticed and the ridges are repeated in the drapery in the upper right corner and in the columnlike arrangement at the left; the flowers in the hair and on the dress are sketched in; the transparent color of the sleeves is relieved by small dots. Renoir responds completely to the requirements of his artistic experience of his subjects, and style and technique are in perfect accord with the vision.